Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: May 2005
Guild: The AWW
Profession: W/Mo
i agree with the point that nobody is better or worse than anybody else
for an example of that, i've ben playing Guild wars since E3 2003, when i first heard about it, but, i have done VERY little in the way of PvP, only simply trying to stay at the back with a monk, healing the team
but, i've spent so little time in pvp that, to be honest, anybody (even those who have been playing less than a week) who have done half a dozen PvP matches would be able to butcher me
the main ideas behind the better cape suggestions i made are quite simply to allow people to recognise the different ranks in a guild, and so, if they want to join a guild, they would know who to ask
of course, a little diversity in styles, as also suggested, wouldn't harm the game, after all, would it?
the slight armour additions, or something similar, would be, in my opinion, an incentive for people to work hard for a guild, to try to gain rank, for the bonuses, after all, guilds working harder for the benefit of the guild as a whole and not individuals would help the guild structure in the game, i feel
i understand that there are a few guilds out there who simply do not care about its members, we have a newish menber in our guild who has told us of when he was in a different guild, where he had been since day 1 of guild wars release, and, until he joined our guild, had never even been acknowledged as existing by his previous guild, no matter what questions he asked, how many times he asked for help for a mission, or offered it himself, which i think is a bad way for a guild to be run, a guild who helps its members and socialises with its members is more likely to be succesful in general, and to keep its members, by keeping them happy, in my opinion
i seem to have diversified there into sort-of rant territorybut, the point i was trying to make was that the different capes would, mostly, be so that other, non guilded players could tell, at a glance, what rank variou people were in guilds, and so, would know who to ask if they wanted to join a guild
however, i also feel, along these lines, it would help the game if mmbers were able to refer people to guild officers, for potential guild membership, instead of only allowing officers and leaders to do this, i've been told plenty of times by members how they were talking to somebody who wanted to join a guild, and, by the time i'd got online, and sent an invite, another guild had already taken them on
maybe this could be where the idea of an initiate rank could help, members can make people initiates, similar to the referring idea, then, officers can decide wether or not to accept them in, making them members?
and i've gone completely off the point of the original post here, sorry about that, but, i've been awake for 18 hours now, and i've done a 12 hour shift in the middle of that, but, the ideas started coming, and i thought it would be best to just let them out instead of waiting and forgetting them
might also give people a few other ideas to think about, because i'm enjoying this discussion in general, don't know about you lot :P
as a thought though, maybe suggesting armour boosts through capes was the wrong type of example, maybe, as a thought, slight health bonuses instead, something like 10-20-50 extra health, depending on rank in guild